Community Conversation on Structural Racism, Accountability and Police State

Faisal Khan


Great event this evening in Durham on much needed topic that must take place across the country. Great panelists discussion on the following questions below. You can watch the entire talk on the event page (see previous post). Durham police also participated in the conversation and CPC looks forward to continue to work with them on issues related to racism.


  1. Given the historical roots of structural police violence and anti-black racism in our country and local community, what can be done about current issues we are facing as a community in the way(s) that the police and/or justice system handle these issues?

  2. What can we do as a community to acknowledge our responsibility and be accountable for the injustices of the past, and to take on the rectification of structural racism, both as citizens and the police force?

  3. How can we make our communities safer—especially given that the historic purpose of policing was to enforce enslavement?

  4. How do you see our community now in terms of gender, race, policing, and accountability, and how would you like to see it?

  5. How have your experiences at the crossroads of gender and race, or another identity such as sexual orientation, shaped your ideas around policing?

  6. What is a way forward that would be inclusive and keep our communities safe?

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