March Into Action 2018 Women's March

Faisal Khan


Women’s March Hillsborough-Orange County, North Carolina

The women’s rally “March into Action 2018″ was held today in Hillsborough. It was bursting at the seams with women (and men) from all walks of life that came together to celebrate our diversity and reaffirm our collective voice to denounce the policies from this administration that are affecting marginalized communities.

Fatma Wasel, from Carolina Peace Center, spoke powerfully about the inhumane and unjust Muslim Travel Ban which has directly impacted her own life and that of her children in Yemen and here at home. America is a country of refugees and immigrants,” Fatma shared, “we have to promote equity and equality for all women.”

Fatma’s daughter read a beautiful poem at the end of her mother’s speech that rejoiced in a spirit of humanity and inclusiveness for all.

Latarndra Strong from Hate Free Schools Coalition spoke about people activism efforts and others getting involved. Tom Stevens, the Mayor, Pat Clayton, the president of NAACP of Orange Country, Rev. Patty Henneman, Nicole Duarte, and prominent women speakers spoke at the event.

Great work by Heather Joy of Carolina Peace Center in coordinating with the organizers. Wonderful turnout with musical band and march in the end. Power to all the women worldwide. Great work by the organizers. Shoulder to shoulder together.

Read about it in the media

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